Dental aesthetics
Dental aesthetics is a vast subject.
However, your smile will always be your most beautiful jewel. It will be what people see first. It’s a reflection of yourself.
That said, the importance of smile aesthetics is individual, which is why standardization is impossible. Just because every TV star has 6 square, white teeth doesn’t mean they’re beautiful. A beautiful smile shouldn’t be something to be seen. It has to be an element that makes the face shine and contributes to the effect of attraction that a beautiful face can have.
Following this concept, it’s vital to be able to talk openly with your dentist, so that the treatments undertaken are in line with what our patients want. Everyone should be able to feel comfortable with their smile and show it off. So, depending on your needs and desires, the right treatment can be undertaken. Your smile doesn’t have to please your dentist, it has to please you.
To achieve this, a variety of treatments are available. Sometimes they’re very simple, sometimes they’re more complex. We assure you that we’ll listen to you and suggest the right treatment for you. Creating a beautiful smile ranges from doing nothing to veneers, implants, crowns, gum care, injections etc. The range of possible treatments is very wide, and it’s only after a frank and honest discussion that a serious treatment plan can be drawn up.
Stay away from what you see on the internet, on the networks or on television. Artificial is not beautiful. What’s beautiful has a natural look, and we’re here to advise you on this.