Our practice can take care of all your orthodontic needs. However, we limit ourselves to two treatment systems: fixed and aligners. We’ll be happy to advise you, but our sole aim is to achieve a functional and aesthetic result in the shortest possible time, while respecting your health and taking no risks whatsoever.
Orthodontic treatment is often started far too early. By starting at a very young age, you can be sure that your treatment will take a very long time, but it won’t be any better. We’ll give you transparent advice in your best interests.
Teeth can be aligned in both children and older people. It’s often oral health indications that motivate us to align teeth in adults, where aesthetics are the added bonus!
For fixed orthodontics, we’ve been using Fastbraces® technology since 2010 with great success. Our patients are delighted, because their treatment progresses quickly and painlessly. When it comes to aligners, we use different systems depending on the situation.
We’ll be happy to advise you on your situation and all the options available to you. That way, you can make an informed choice about the treatment that’s right for you.